Maintaining information to optimize restorable dynamic...
Management method for maintaining communications options...
Management of redundant and multi-segment pseudo-wire
Master-slave multiplex communication system and PLL circuit appl
Mechanism and method for non-service affecting APS...
Media access control for isochronous data packets in carrier...
Method and apparatus for achieving fast reconnection of...
Method and apparatus for allocating data packet pathways
Method and apparatus for allocating data packet pathways
Method and apparatus for an optical bi-directional line switched
Method and apparatus for checking continuity of leaf-to-root...
Method and apparatus for computing alternate...
Method and apparatus for data transmission in synchronous optica
Method and apparatus for detection and protection against...
Method and apparatus for determining a data communication...
Method and apparatus for determining maximum network failure spa
Method and apparatus for determining network routing...
Method and apparatus for fast distributed restoration of a...
Method and apparatus for forwarding data in a data...
Method and apparatus for generating intranode alternate route