Border gateway protocol manager and method of managing the...
Boundary device for performing a connection control at a...
Bridged network stations location revision
Broadband network for coaxial cable using multi-carrier...
Broadband network for coaxial cable using multi-carrier...
Broadband switching system
Broadcast traceroute
Buffer management based on buffer sharing across ports and...
Buffer management for merging packets of virtual circuits
Buffer overflow prevention for network devices
Buffer to buffer credit recovery for in-line fibre channel...
Buffer to buffer credit recovery for in-line fibre channel...
Buffer-based traffic measurement system and method for nominal b
Burst traffic smoothing for SIP processing elements
Bus protocol
Button telephone apparatus and internet communication system
Call admission control methods and apparatus for improving...
Call admission control/session management based on N source...
Cell discard control system for an ATM cell buffer
Cell discard scheme for IP traffic over a cell relay...