System and method for efficiently generating packets on a...
System and method for extending the range of xDSL services
System and method for forming circuit connections within a telec
System and method for high-bandwidth serial bus data transfer
System and method for hybrid contention/polling protocol collisi
System and method for hybrid contention/polling protocol colliso
System and method for implementing auto-configurable default...
System and method for implementing self-device control...
System and method for improving CSMA/CD network performance...
System and method for interfacing with a management system
System and method for interfacing with a management system
System and method for managing channel usage in a data over...
System and method for managing network traffic
System and method for managing subrate services in an...
System and method for message queue management in a...
System and method for monitoring noise associated with a...
System and method for multi-level context switching in an...
System and method for multi-level context switching in an...
System and method for multi-tiered rule filtering
System and method for multicasting multimedia content