High oleic/high stearic sunflower oils
High Pigment Beet
High threonine producing lines of Nicotiana tobacum and...
High threonine producing lines of Nicotiana tobacum and...
High yielding multiple disease resistant/tolerant stable...
Highly transformable elite doubled haploid line PH17AW
Highly transformable elite doubled haploid line PHWVZ
Highly transformable elite doubled haploid line-PHWWD
Highly transformable elite inbred line-PHWWE
Hm2 cDNA from maize encoding disease resistance polypeptide
Hybrid Alfalfa variety named HybriForce®-420/Wet
Hybrid corn line G1103
Hybrid corn line G3601
Hybrid corn line G4901
Hybrid corn plant and seed PP59302
Hybrid corn plant and seed PP59601
Hybrid corn plant and seed PP79702
Hybrid corn plant and seed PP88602
Hybrid maize 32B10
Hybrid maize 32K22