Transformation of guar
Transformation of plants to introduce closely linked markers
Transformation of plants with a chloroperoxidase gene to...
Transformation of Ricinus communis, the castor plant
Transformation of seaweed utilizing biolistic gene transfer...
Transformation of wheat with the cyanamide hydratase gene
Transformation of zygote, egg or sperm cells and recovery of...
Transformation vectors allowing expression of Bacillus thuringie
Transformation vectors allowing expression of foreign polypeptid
Transformation vectors allowing expression of truncated BT2 endo
Transformed embryogenic microspores for the generation of...
Transformed plant expressing a dextransucrase and...
Transformed plant which expresses an insecticidally effective am
Transformed plant with Bacillus thuringiensis toxin gene
Transformed tomato plants
Transformed wheat having improved breadmaking characteristics
Transgene assay using stable agrobacterium rhizogenes...
Transgenic bioluminescent plants
Transgenic bioluminescent plants
Transgenic bioluminescent plants