Compositions isolated from plant cells and their use in the...
Compositions, cells, and plants that include BKI1, a...
Conditional sterility in plants
Coniothyrium minitans &bgr;-(1,3) exoglucanase gene cbeg 1
Constitutitive triple response gene and mutations
Constitutive and inducible promoters from coffee plants
Constitutive disease resistance(CDR1) gene and methods of...
Constitutive expression cassettes for regulation of plant...
Constitutive expression cassettes for regulation of plant...
Constitutive photomorphogenesis 1 (COP1) nucleic acid...
Construction of barley with reduced gel protein content
Constructs and methods for enhancing protein levels in photosynt
Constructs and methods for enhancing protein levels in...
Constructs containing impatiens necrotic spot tospovirus RNA and
Control of bacterial infection by quenching quorum-sensing...
Control of floral induction
Control of floral induction in plants and uses therefor
Control of fruit dehiscence in Arabidopsis by...
Control of fruit dehiscence in plants by Indehiscent1 genes
Control of fruit ripening in plants