5-volt tolerant 3-volt drive push-pull buffer/driver
50% Duty cycle signal generator
5V output driver on 2.5V technology
5v tolerant I/O circuit
5V-tolerant receiver for low voltage CMOS technologies
90° phase shift circuit
90-degree phase shifter
90.degree.-phase shifter
A.C. switch triggered at a predetermined half-period
A/B-phase signal generator, RD converter and angle detection...
Abnormal clock detector and abnormal clock detecting apparatus
Abnormal clock signal detector and switching device
Abnormal current detection circuit and load drive circuit includ
Absolute time delay generating device
Absolute value circuit
Absolute value circuit
Absolute value circuit capable of providing full-wave rectificat
AC bypass circuit which provides stabilization of high frequency
AC clamp circuit for video applications
AC coupling loops for current-to-voltage transimpedance amplifie