Start signal detection circuit
Static high speed comparator
Strobed comparator for a large common mode range
Structure of current measuring circuit
Substrate potential detecting circuit
Substrate-sensing voltage sensor for voltage comparator with...
Supply voltage comparator
Supply voltage independent bandgap based reference generator cir
Supply voltage removal detecting circuit, display device and...
Switch for minimizing transistor exposure to high voltage
Switch for minimizing transistor exposure to high voltage
Switch for minimizing transistor exposure to high voltage
Switch linearized track and hold circuit for switch...
Switch-body NMOS-PMOS switch with complementary clocked...
Switch-body PMOS switch with switch-body dummies
Switch-capacitor circuit with overdrive-protected switch
Switchable peak/average detect circuit
Switched capacitor circuit adapted to store charge on a sampling
Switched capacitor circuits
Switched capacitor peak detector with variable time constant...