Direct digital synthesis with low jitter
Direct digital synthesizer
Direct digital synthesizer
Direct digital synthesizer and phase locked loop frequency synth
Direct digital synthesizer with adjustable clock frequency
Direct digital to analog microwave frequency signal simulator
Direct frequency synthesizer for offset loop synthesizer
Direct frequency synthesizer having moderate bandwidth
Double balance differential active ring mixer with current share
Dual tunable direct digital synthesizer with a frequency program
Equivalent inductance circuit having a common input/output termi
Error feed-forward direct digital synthesis
Fast VCO calibration for frequency synthesizers
Fixed frequency clock output having a variable high...
Flexible waveform generator with extended range capability
Fractional phase-locked loop coherent frequency synthesizer
Fractional-N synthesizer with improved noise performance
Frequency correction circuit for a periodic source such as a...
Frequency correction circuit for a periodic source such as a...
Frequency generation circuitry and method