Bucket wheel assembly
Bucketwheel excavator with oscillating nozzles
Bunker for surface mines and method of forming a storage area fo
Bushing plate cutter
Cable carriage and spill-plate housing assembly for a mining mac
Calcite control in an in situ leach operation
Canopy and shield structure for supporting a shield in a seam-li
Carpet and tile stripper
Carpet and tile stripper with controllable vector
Carpet take-up device and method for using the same
Carriage especially for use in mines
Cartridge for generating high-pressure gases in a drill hole
Catalyses of uranium oxidation
Cavity induced stimulation method of coal degasification wells
Cavity induced stimulation of coal degasification wells using so
Cavity mining minerals from subsurface deposit
Cemented carbide tip
Cemented carbide tip
Chain driven cutting bucket for use in deep mining
Chain for trencher apparatus