Adjustable bucket for an earth boring machine
Anchor boring unit
Apparatus for controlling the position of a mineral mining machi
Apparatus for controlling the position of a mineral mining machi
Apparatus for cutting excavations having a substantially planar
Apparatus for excavating passages
Apparatus for making small-bore tunnels
Apparatus for mining a seam, in particular of coal
Apparatus for supporting the roof of an underground mine working
Apparatus for the underground operation of a movable mining mach
Articulated boom-dipper-bucket assembly for a tunnel boring mach
Auxiliary cutter units of a shield machine
Channelling machine for cutting a preliminary groove around the
Continuous miner
Conveyor mounted excavator
Cowl arrangements for mining machines
Cutting appliances for use in tunnel driving operations
Device for guying a drift advancing machine within a drift
Device for guying a movable cutting machine
Device for sealing a drift cross section driven by means of a cu