DADMAC/vinyl trialkoxysilane copolymers for dewatering copper an
De-ashing lubricating oils
De-ashing lubricating oils
De-ashing lubricating oils
De-emulsification of oils
De-sulfurization of petroleum residues using melt of alkali meta
Deashing of heavy hydrocarbon residues
Deasphalting and demetallizing heavy oils
Decalcification of hydrocarbonaceous feedstocks using amino-carb
Decalcification of hydrocarbonaceous feedstocks using citric aci
Decalcification of refinery hydrocarbon feedstocks
Decalcification of refinery hydrocarbon feedstocks
Decreasing bi-reactive contaminants
Deep desulfurization of distillate fuels
Deep desulfurization of FCC gasoline at low temperatures to maxi
Deep hydrodesulfurization of hydrocarbon feedstreams
Degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls
Dehydrating method
Dehydroxylation and/or demercaptolation of heavy petroleum oils
Demetalation and desulfurization of oil in separate catalytic zo