Supporting guide for oxyacetylene torch
Supporting structure for blast furnaces
Supports for products in a steel-making furnace
Surface treatment facility of metal plate and method for...
Suspended gas shroud apparatus
Suspended seal ring for ladle preheater
Suspended tuyere stock removal device
Suspension and anchorage device for a rail-mounted movable plugg
Suspension smelting furnace for finely-divided sulfide and/or ox
Swivel base tilting rotary furnace
Swivel device with cantilever arm
Swivel tip attachment for cutting torch
Swiveling mechanism particularly for taphole plugging devices
Swivelling sliding closure unit
System and filter for filtering hard alpha inclusions from...
System and method for hydrothermal reactions-three layer liner
System and method for minimizing slag carryover during the tapin
System and method for producing shot from molten material
System and method for purifying molten metal
System and method for steel making