Machine for boring a tap hole of a shaft furnace
Machine for drilling tapholes of a shaft furnace
Machine for gas-cutting of metals
Machine for heat treating camshafts
Machine for piercing a taphole for a shaft furnace
Machine for piercing a taphole for a shaft furnace
Machine for piercing a taphole for a shaft furnace
Machine for piercing a taphole for a shaft furnace
Machine for splitting slabs by oxygen-cutting
Machine for thermo-mechanical treatment of parts made of memory
Machine mounted torch
Machine tool for stamping, nibbling and thermal cutting and the
Machines for cooling metal sheets or like products
Magnetic streamlining and flow control in tundishes
Magnetic wheel guided carriage with positioning arm
Making a taphole
Manipulator at furnaces
Manipulator for manipulating a pouring pipe into position beneat
Manufacture of iron and steel in a duplex smelter and solid stat