Apparatus for forming a closed cut surface in a wall of a workpi
Apparatus for guiding a tool along a curved path
Apparatus for guiding a tool in a linear path relative to a work
Apparatus for making an instantaneous scarfing start
Apparatus for making divergent cuts chamfered relative to a cutt
Apparatus for performing a work function on a tubular workpiece
Apparatus for placing point supports on a metal cutting table
Apparatus for removing fallen slag from beneath a flame cutting
Apparatus for removing polluting matter arising in flame cutting
Apparatus for removing torch-cutting slag of slab
Apparatus for steam generator tube wrapper spacer and support bl
Apparatus for supporting a continuously moving cast ingot in a c
Apparatus for supporting a work piece on a water table
Apparatus for surface treating metal billets
Apparatus for the opto-electronic control of a flame cutting mac
Apparatus for the scanning of working levels
Apparatus for the torch cutting of a steel structural shape
Apparatus for the treatment of the outer contour of a worm conve
Apparatus for thermal deburring of parts
Apparatus for thermal deburring of parts