Blister-resistant steel sheet and method for producing thereof
BN-precipitation-strengthened low-carbon-ferritic heat-resistant
Bonded permanent magnet
Bonded rare earth-iron magnets
Boron modified molybdenum silicide and products
Boron-copper-magnesium-tin alloy and method for making same
Boronized sliding material
Brass alloy
Brass alloys
Brazeable aluminum alloy sheet and process of making same
Brazing foil performs and their use in the manufacture of...
Build-up wear-resistant copper alloy and valve seat
Build-up wear-resistant copper-based alloy
Building construction steel having excellent fire resistance and
Bulk amorphous refractory glasses based on the Ni-Nb-Sn...
Bulk amorphous refractory glasses based on the Ni-Nb-Sn...
Bulk amorphous steels based on Fe alloys
Bulk exchange-spring magnet, device using the same, and...
Bulk metallic glass solder material