Low density single crystal super alloy
Mechanically worked single crystal article
Metal alloy with large lattice spacing
Method for making materials having artificially dispersed...
Method of making oxidation resistant single crystal superalloy c
Monocrystalline alloy with a nickel base matrix
Monocrystalline alloy with a nickel matrix basis
Monocrystalline nickel-base superalloy with Ti, Ta, and Hf carbi
NiAl intermetallic alloy and article with improved high temperat
Nickel aluminide base single crystal alloys
Nickel base superalloy single crystal articles with improved...
Nickel base superalloys having low chromium and cobalt contents
Nickel-base superalloy
ODS alloy having intermediate high temperature strength
Oxidation resistant single crystal superalloy castings
Oxidation resistant superalloy single crystals
Phase stable carbide reinforced nickel-base superalloy eutectics
Precipitation hardening nickel base single crystal cast alloy
Precipitation hardening type single crystal austenitic steel
Single crystal (single grain) alloy