Thermomechanical processing of plasma sprayed intermetallic...
Thermomechanical treatment method for providing super-plasticity
Thermomechanical treatment of Ti 6-2-2-2-2
Thiazole and thiocarbamide based chemicals for use with oxidativ
Thick cold rolled steel sheet excellent in deep drawability...
Thick grain-oriented electrical steel sheet exhibiting...
Thin aluminum-based alloy foil and wire and a process for produc
Thin film multi-layer oxygen diffusion barrier consisting of alu
Thin parts made of β or quasi-β titanium alloys;...
Thin parts made of β or quasi-β titanium alloys;...
Thin strip casting of carbon steels
Thin wall casting and process
Thin, forged magnesium alloy casing and method for producing...
Thin-walled monolithic metal oxide structures made from metals,
Thin-walled monolithic metal oxide structures made from metals,
Thin-walled, monolithic iron oxide structures made from steels,
Thixocasting process of an alloy material
Thixotropic forming process for wheels fashioned in rheocast met
Thixotropic materials
Ti 6-2-4-2 sheet with enhanced cold-formability