Dampened ultrasonic transducer
Data collection and reduction system for a shock suppressor valv
Data collection and reduction system for a shock suppressor valv
DC to frequency conversion circuit
De-coupling extraneous modes of vibration in a coriolis mass...
Deionized water spray on loss of fluid processing tank exhaust
Density compensated gas flow meter
Density compensator for coriolis-type mass flowmeters
Density insensitive coriolis mass flow rate meter
Density-responsive mass flow vortex type meter
Detection device for detecting and indicating operation of a gas
Detection device for detecting the flow and direction of ground
Detector for an electromagnetic flowmeter
Detector for an ultrasonic flow meter
Detector for use in measurement of flow speed or flow rate of a
Detector of low levels of gas pressure and flow
Determination of density for metering a fluid flow
Determination of young's modulus and poisson's ratio of...
Determining gas and liquid flow rates in a multi-phase flow
Determining the quantity yield of a compressible fluid flowing t