Method for controlling an internal combustion engine
Method for correcting the signal of a camshaft position sensor
Method for detecting combustion misfires in a multi-cylinder...
Method for detecting combustion misfires in a plurality of cylin
Method for detecting combustion misfires in an internal combusti
Method for detecting cyclical combustion fluctuations in an inte
Method for detecting misfire by fluctuation in crankshaft rotati
Method for detecting misfires in an internal combustion engine
Method for detecting misfires in gasoline internal combustion en
Method for detecting RPM especially for detecting combustion mis
Method for determining a hot-start situation in an internal...
Method for determining a measurement value proportional to the c
Method for determining a remaining life of engine oil
Method for determining a weak cylinder in an internal...
Method for determining and compensating the geometric errors...
Method for determining relevant variables representing the...
Method for determining remaining useful life of turbine componen
Method for determining the balancer condition of a balanced...
Method for determining the combustion ratio of a reciprocating-p
Method for determining the condition of engine oil based on TBN