Steam generator
Steam generator using waste heat from glass furnace
Steam generator with hybrid circulation
Steam generator, in particular waste-heat steam generator,...
Steam-generating process
Sustainable waste heat management system
Synthesis gas cooler and waste heat boiler
Synthetic gas radiant cooler with internal quenching and purging
System and method for utilization of waste heat of...
System for recovering latent and sensible heat of effluent gases
System for transferring and recovering heat from products of com
Temperature stratified superheater and duct burner
Turbine exhaust fed low NO.sub.x staged combustor for TEOR power
Upright apparatus for cooling high pressure gases containing a h
Vertical drum-type boiler with enhanced circulation
Vertical firetube waste heat boiler
Vertical firetube waste heat boiler
Vertical radiation tank
Waste heat boiler
Waste heat boiler