Method for setting a specifiable target speed in a vehicle
Method for setting the vehicle-engine torque
Method for setting torque in an internal combustion engine
Method for split ignition timing for idle speed control of...
Method for stopping and starting an internal combustion...
Method for the automatic control of an internal combustion...
Method for the operation of an IC engine and an IC engine for pe
Method for the operation of an IC engine of the piston type
Method for the recognition of idling in connection with a load-s
Method for transitioning between different operating modes of an
Method of actuating a butterfly valve arranged in the intake sys
Method of adaptive air conditioning compensation
Method of adaptively controlling individual cylinder fuel inject
Method of adjusting a controlling element and circuit arrangemen
Method of adjusting a plurality of fuel injection units associat
Method of adjusting idle spark for an individual cylinder of an
Method of adjusting idle speed of an internal combustion engine
Method of and apparatus for controlling an idling control valve
Method of and apparatus for controlling engine revolution speed
Method of and apparatus for controlling engine revolution speed