Failsafe coolant pump for nuclear reactor
Fission product scrubbing system for a nuclear reactor
Gravity driven suction pump system, methods, and apparatus
Heat-retarding closure system for pressure relief openings of pa
Integral PWR with diverse emergency cooling and method of...
Internal condenser vapor discharge system
Liquid metal cooled nuclear reactor
Liquid metal reactor power block
Liquid receiver which acts as a pressure relief valve for a nucl
Main steam pressure disturbance preventing apparatus of...
Mechanical strainer unit
Method and apparatus for pressure relief of a nuclear power plan
Method for avoiding potential accidents in water-cooled nuclear
Method for pressure relief of the containment of a nuclear power
Method for providing a pressurized fluid
Modified passive containment cooling system for a nuclear...
Modular reactor containment system
Natural circulating passive cooling system for nuclear reactor c
Novel passive approach to protecting the primary containment bar
Nuclear power facilities