After-heat removal system for a gas-cooled nuclear reactor
Apparatus for removing the residual power of a pressurized nucle
Collecting and recirculating condensate in a nuclear reactor con
Combined cooling and purification system for nuclear reactor spe
Containment spray system for a light-water reactor
Control of reactor coolant flow path during reactor decay heat r
Cooling system
Cooling system for a nuclear reactor
Cooling system for auxiliary systems of a nuclear installation
Cooling water distribution system
Device for and method of removing the residual power from a fast
Device for cooling a heat-generating member
Device for emergency removal of the heat dissipated by a fast br
Device for preventing melt-through of a reactor vessel
Double tube steam generator
Drain system for a nuclear power plant
Emergency cooling device for a fast neutron nuclear reactor
Emergency heat exchanger for cooling the primary fluid of a nucl
Enhanced passive safety system for a nuclear pressurized water r
Fast neutron nuclear reactor with internal capillary structure p