Method and apparatus for recycling thermal energy
Method and apparatus for transporting, utilizing and recovering
Method for the transfer of heat energy
Method of coating aluminum substrates with solid adsorbent
Method of storing energy and system for carrying out this method
Modular manifold gas delivery system
Multiple stage sorption and desorption process and apparatus
Onboard hydrogen storage unit with heat transfer system for...
Pair of substances for absorption heat transformers
Rapid thermal storage/release system using a porous member
Reciprocal heat exchanger
Regenerative heating apparatus
Reservoir with hydrogen storage material
Robust metal hydride hydrogen storage system with metal hydride
Rotary trisorption heat pump
Self supporting heat transfer element
Sorption apparatus and method for cooling and heating
Sorption container for solid sorption medium
Sorption cooling process and apparatus
Stationary continuous multimodular trisorption heat pump