Suction grip arm
Suction gripper
Suction gripper device
Suction mechanism and method, for IC and horizontal conveyer...
Suction nozzle for holding component by suction
Suction pad
Suction pad for attracting and holding a workpiece
Suction pad having a patterned attracting surface
Suction pad with temperature control mechanism
Suction pad, rotation--stop and guide mechanism for the same
Suction pad, rotation-stop and guide mechanism for the same
Suction pad, rotation-stop and guide mechanism for the same
Suction pads for supporting loads
Suction pick-up apparatus for electrical or electronic component
Suction pick-up head
Suction type robot hand
Suction unit
Suction-holding device
Suction-type gripping mechanism with magnetic actuated vent valv
System and method for performing simultaneous precision die...