I.S. machine
I.S. machine
I.S. machine
Ice coating method for controlling the formation of an...
Immobilization of radwastes in glass containers and products for
Impregnated vitreous (glassy) carbon graphite liner and heating
In situ rapid wash apparatus and method
In situ repair of delaminated float bath bottom refractory
In-barrel wetting screw charger
In-lehr glass sheet press bending using pressurized gas
In-lehr press bending
Increasing a fluorine compound flow rate during a VAD process
Increasing the cladding-to-core ratio (D/d) of low D/d ratio...
Increasing the retention of Ge0.sub.2 during production of glass
Incremental method of producing multiple UV-induced gratings...
Indirect heat type double-clad crystal fiber fabrication method
Individual cavity adjustment tong head assembly
Individual section glass container forming machine
Individual section glass forming machine
Individual section glass forming machine