Lenses and lens arrays
Lid construction for a heating vessel and method of use
Light guide fabrication
Light weight porous structure
Lightguide coating control
Lightguide preform fabrication
Lightwave guide produced by ion exchange of cs+ ions
Lightweight bending iron heat shields for glass bending molds
Limited volume insert bonding process in a vial
Lining material for glass melting furnaces, glass melting...
Lithium silicate materials
Lithium silicate materials
Lithium-aluminosilicate glass ceramic with high keatite...
Lithographic method of making optical fibers
Long life fused silica ultraviolet optical elements
Low attenuation, high strength optical fiber with silica filamen
Low loss infrared transmitting hollow core optical fiber method
Low loss optical fibers
Low melting high lithia glass compositions and methods
Low phonon energy gain medium and related active devices