Scrap glass recovery
Segmented bushing temperature controller and method for using sa
Selective volitization method for preparing fiber optics
Sheet glass forming apparatus
Single mode fibre directional coupler manufacture
Sintered high-silica glass and articles comprising same
Sizing composition and glass fibers treated with the aid of such
Slag furnace melt flow control valve
Sol-gel doping of optical fiber preform
Sol-gel method of making multicomponent glass
Solution doping of porous preforms
Spinnerette for making glass fibers
Splicing optical fiber ribbon method and apparatus
Stabilization of glass feed in fiberization by toration
Stable sizing compositions used during forming of glass fibers a
Stationary strand deflector for continuous strand manufacture
Stone trap and method of using for making glass fibers
Strand deflector for a wide band mat
Stream feeder apparatus
Supply of fiber material in fiber producing techniques