Method and apparatus for drying and incineration of sewage...
Method and apparatus for efficiently controlling the incineratio
Method and apparatus for enhanced suppression of the multiple po
Method and apparatus for extracting heat from a combustible mate
Method and apparatus for feeding a pulverized material
Method and apparatus for feeding air into a furnace
Method and apparatus for feeding waste material to a dry kiln
Method and apparatus for further improving fluid flow and...
Method and apparatus for generating and utilizing...
Method and apparatus for heat treatment of industrial wastes
Method and apparatus for hermetically sealing openings of an...
Method and apparatus for improving fluid flow and gas mixing in
Method and apparatus for improving fluid flow and gas mixing in
Method and apparatus for improving the efficiency of a...
Method and apparatus for in-flight combustion of carbonaceous fu
Method and apparatus for incinerating hazardous waste
Method and apparatus for incinerating waste in a cement kiln pla
Method and apparatus for incinerating waste material using oxyge
Method and apparatus for injecting gasification medium into...
Method and apparatus for injecting nox inhibiting reagent into t