Sanitary folding paper bug catcher
Scent dispensing electronic bug killer device
Selective control of the movement of crawling insects
Semiochemical and sonic signals for monitoring and control...
Sensor-triggered suction trap for collecting gravid mosquitoes
Slug and snail trap
Slug trap
Snail barrier
Snail protective device
Snail Pub, a Snail Collection System; the One-Way Snail Gate; an
Snail trap
Snail trap
Solar insect killer and catcher
Solar powered apparatus for terminating fire ants
Suffocation-type insect trap with pitfall and attractant
Support and consumables support with barrier container
Surfaces coated with fluorocarbon resins upon which insects cann
Surfaces coated with fluorocarbon resins upon which insects cann
Surfaces upon which insects can not climb or alight and methods
System for delivery of insecticide