Adjustable butt stock
Adjustable butt stock assembly
Adjustable cheek piece for a firearm butt stock
Adjustable cheek rest for gunstocks
Adjustable cheek-piece for a shoulder firearm
Adjustable cheekpiece for gunstock
Adjustable comb apparatus
Adjustable gun butt
Adjustable gun stock
Adjustable gun stock
Adjustable length heavy duty butt stock assembly for a firearm
Adjustable length heavy duty butt stock assembly for a firearm
Adjustable pistol grip
Adjustable shoulder stock apparatus for use with firearms
Articulation device for gunstocks of long firearms
Automatic or semiautomatic rifle with folding stock
Butt for rifles with cheekpiece with adjustable position
Butt plate construction of a firearm and in particular that of a
Buttplate and comb assembly for shoulder firearms
Collapsible buttstock for firearm