Polysiloxane coated fabrics for use in air bags
Polyurethane coated fabrics for use in air-holding vehicle...
Polyurethane urea solutions
Polyurethane/polyacrylate dispersion coating for airbag fabrics
Polyvinylamine treatments to improve dyeing of cellulosic...
Porous interfacial coating for fiber reinforced ceramic matrix c
Pre-moistened wipe comprising polymeric biguanide for...
Premoistened, flushable, disposable and biodegradable wet wipes
Prepreg and cured laminate fabricated from a toughened polycyanu
Prepreg for printed circuit board and substrate for printed circ
Prepreg of ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene
Prepregs and carbon fiber-reinforced composite materials
Press fabric for a machine for the production of web...
Pressure sensitive adhesive article and method of making
Pressure-sensitive adhesives having microstructured surfaces
Primer coating providing a metallized fabric exhibiting...
Print medium for use in ink jet printing method
Printable synthetic fabric
Printed circuit board and printed circuit board base material
Process for applying interface coatings and manufacturing...