Carbon deposit friction lining material
Carbon fiber reinforced base material, preform and composite...
Carbon fiber woven fabric
Carbon--carbon composites containing poorly graphitizing pitch a
Carbon-based friction material for automotive continuous slip se
Carrier member and support member
Cationic fibrous sanitizing substrate
Cellulose-Based medical packaging material sterilizable by oxidi
Cellulosic substrates with reduced absorbent capacity having...
Cementitious boards
Chemical resistant, water and dry particle impervious, flame...
Chemically resistant radiation attenuation barrier
Clad vanadium pentoxide doped with silver and antistat layers co
Cleaner impregnated towel
Cleaner impregnated towel
Cleaner impregnated towel
Cleaning articles comprising a cellulosic fibrous structure havi
Cleaning articles comprising a polarphobic region and a high int
Cleaning tool