Perfluorocyclicamine, constant boiling composition and...
Photo-assisted electrolysis
Point-of-use generation of chlorinated alkaline cleaning...
Polymeric compositions comprising thieno[3,4-b]thiophene,...
Polymeric membrane electrochemical cell operating at temperature
Polymers having an ordered structural state
Portable chemical hydrogen hydride system
Potentiometric electrode, gradient polymer, uses and method...
Potlining to enhance cell performance in aluminum production
Powder of electrolytic manganese dioxide and process for...
Preparation of anhydrous magnesium chloride-containing melts fro
Preparation of benzaldehyde dialkyl acetals
Preparation of epoxides
Preparation of mineral matrices by cold crucible induction...
Preparation of onium hydroxides in an electrochemical cell
Preparation of phthalides
Pressure differential control in an electrolytic cell
Pressure leaching of nickel and cobalt sulphides with chlorine u
Pressurized integrated electrochemical converter energy system a
Prevention of cathode corrosion during electrowinning