A. C. motor control apparatus and method
A.C. motor control apparatus and method
A.C. motor control apparatus and method
A.C. motor starting system
Abnormally detecting device for relay
AC feed control system
AC motor control system
AC output power control system
AC switch speed control for two phase motors
Actuator two-fault tolerance apparatus
Adaptive control system for an alternating-current motor
Adjustable speed A-C motor drive with smooth transition between
Adjustable speed electric motor drive having constant harmonic c
Alternating current motor control method and system
Alternating current motor system
Amplitude controlled torsion rod oscillator for scanning mirror
Apparatus and method for computer-aided low-harmonic trajectory
Apparatus and method for reducing effective inductance in a dyna
Apparatus for adjusting a mirror around two mutually perpendicul
Apparatus for driving a stepping motor