Optically measuring electric field intensities
Opto-electric device for measuring the root-mean-square...
Opto-electric device for measuring the root-mean-square...
Opto-electronic system for the acquisition of signals indicating
Oscilloscope utilizing probe with electro-optic crystal
Phase-to-phase voltage monitor for three-phase power distributio
Photoconductive-sampling voltage measurement
Planar type mirror galvanometer incorpotating a displacement det
Pockels cell electro-optic sensor coupled to solid voltage divid
Polarimetric sensor for the optical detection of a magnetic...
Polarization feedback control of polarization rotating sensor
Polarization insensitive current and magnetic field optic sensor
Polarization insensitive current and magnetic field optic sensor
Polarmetric electric field sensor with electro-optical crystal c
Polymeric film electrooptic sensor device
Precision avalanche photodiode current monitor
Probe for electro-optic sampling oscilloscope
Probe for electro-optic sampling oscilloscope
Process and arrangement for measuring a magnetic field using the
Process and device for measuring an alternating electric current