Characterisation of magnetic materials via a pulsed, field stren
Coating thickness gauge
Coil and guide system for eddy current examination of pipe
Coil apparatus mounted on an axially split spool for indicating
Coiled tubing inspection system
Coin identifying device using magnetic sensors
Combination coating thickness gauge using a magnetic flux densit
Combination coating thickness gauge using a magnetic flux densit
Combination of a flux coupling coefficient, a resonant pick-up c
Complementary sensors metrological process and method and...
Computer program for making measurements of accumulations of...
Constant flux magneto resistive magnetic reluctance sensing appa
Contacting thickness gauge for moving sheet material
Contactless current control sensor in apparatus for magnetoelect
Contactless electrical measurement device including a magnetizab
Contactless, transformer-based measurement of the...
Contiguously matched magnetic sensor array and magnetic media fo
Conveyor with a metal detecting device
Counterfeit detector for paper currency
Critical field and continuity testing method and device for supe