Packaged SQUID system with integral superconducting shielding la
Permalloy bridge with selectable wafer-anistropy using...
Perpendicular detection fluxgate micromagnetometer and...
Phase-shift type magnetic-field sensor using a magnetic...
Photomagnetic field sensor
Pick-up coil assemblies and system for use in a multi-channel sq
Pinned synthetic anti-ferromagnet with oxidation protection...
Planar gradiometers arranged on non-parallel surfaces for determ
Planar thin-film magnetic field sensor for determining...
Planar, core saturation principle, low flux magnetic field senso
Plane magnetic sensor and plane magnetic sensor for...
Plural frequency type superconducting quantum interference fluxm
Plural superconductive magnetoresistors for measuring distributi
Portable electro-magnetic field detection and measurement appara
Position detection utilizing an array of magnetic sensors...
Position sensor for a fuel injection element in an internal comb
Preamplifier and method for measuring resistance of a...
Preamplifier bias mode to re-initialize a GMR head after losing
Precision flexible current sensor
Precision magnetometer orientation device