Stationary induction machine and a cable therefor
Structure for coupling between low temperature circuitry and roo
Superconducting bus bar
Superconducting cable
Superconducting cable
Superconducting cable and method of analyzing the same
Superconducting cable cooling system by helium gas and a mixture
Superconducting cable cooling system by helium gas at two pressu
Superconducting cable-in-conduit low resistance splice
Superconducting conductor having multiple transposed strands wit
Superconducting connecting leads having thermal plug
Superconducting current lead
Superconducting electrical conductor
Superconducting lead with recoverable and nonrecoverable...
Superconducting magnet cooling system
Superconducting transmission line system
Superconducting-coil apparatus
Superconductive cable
Superconductive cable
Superconductive electrical transmission line