Safety device for a mobile electric unit and electric barbecue f
Safety interlock for floor maintenance machine and method
Safety interlock switch system
Safety lockout system for interrupting unintentional flow of...
Safety seat belt buckle switch with coil spring contact
Safety switch
Safety switch assembly
Safety switch device for controlling a machine in relation...
Safety switch for a portable stove
Safety switch for drill press using chuck key
Screen opening and closing drive device
Sealed switch assembly for use with a rotatable valve shaft
Sealing machine having a safety shut off mechanism
Seat belt apparatus
Seat belt buckle having pushbutton type switch with elastomeric
Seat belt buckle switch assembly having self cleaning contacts
Seat belt buckle switch having plural operators
Seat belt buckle switch having slidable actuator and bridging co
Seat belt buckle switch having wire bridging contact
Seat belt buckle with switch