Actuator for transfer circuit breaker switch
Actuator-controlled keylock switch
Adaptation device effecting mechanical coupling between a contac
Adjustable circuit breaker with draw out interlock
Adjustable secondary contact assemblies for circuit breakers
Air circuit breaker
Alternate door interlock defeater
Anti-overload operating linkage for enclosed interlocked recepta
Anti-paralleling apparatus for high-voltage gear
Apparatus for controlling the connection of an electrical module
Apparatus for racking circuit breakers into and out of...
Apparatus having an enclosure, at least one circuit breaker...
Apparatus operating an isolation switch in coordination with...
Appliance control system with knob control assembly
Arc-resistant enclosure employing arc-quenching contact disconne
Assembly for coupling switch handles
Automated secondary disconnect mechanism for electrical switchge
Automatic fail-safe mechanism-operated cell switch for metal-cla
Automatic transfer switch with double throw air circuit breaker
Auxiliary contact operator for electrical switching apparatus