System and method for controlling access to computer code in...
System and method for controlling usage of software on...
System and method for controlling user access to an...
System and method for creation and use of strong passwords
System and method for distributed network acess and control...
System and method for enabling a remote control to...
System and method for encrypting and decrypting files
System and method for enhancing environment variable and...
System and method for ensuring security with multiple...
System and method for establishing trust without revealing...
System and method for extending secure authentication using...
System and method for generating and authenticating a...
System and method for identity confirmation of a contact...
System and method for identity validation for a regulated...
System and method for initializing secure communications...
System and method for managing access rights and privileges...
System and method for on-demand computing for parallel SCSI
System and method for preventing automated programs in a...
System and method for protecting identity information
System and method for protection of creative works