Signature generation device and signature verification device
Signature hash for checking versions of abstract data types
Signature schemes using bilinear mappings
Signature specification for encrypted packet streams
Signature system presenting user signature information
Signed group criteria
Signing and authentication devices and processes and...
SIM-based authentication method capable of supporting...
Simple secure login with multiple-authentication providers
Simplified data link protocol processor
Simplified method of configuring internet protocol security tunn
Simplifying the selection of network paths for implementing...
Simultaneous electronic transactions with subscriber verificatio
Single account portable wireless financial messaging unit
Single algorithm cipher suite for messaging
Single sign-on (SSO) mechanism having master key...
Single sign-on (SSO) mechanism personal key manager
Single sign-on for a network system that includes multiple...
Single sign-on framework with trust-level mapping to...
Single sign-on over the internet using public-key cryptography