Method for data preparation and watermark insertion
Method for data preparation and watermark insertion
Method for data transfer in a network
Method for defining and verifying user access rights to a comput
Method for detecting dedicated link between an end station...
Method for detecting invalid electronic storage media and...
Method for detecting plagiarism
Method for detecting security module for link protection in...
Method for detecting unauthorized network access by having a...
Method for distributing and authenticating public keys using...
Method for distributing certificates in a communication system
Method for distributing encryption keys for an overlay data...
Method for document fingerprinting
Method for dynamically changing intrusion detection rule in...
Method for efficiently revoking digital identities
Method for embedding information in an image
Method for enabling a file
Method for encrypting data using IEEE 1394 serial bus network
Method for establishing a key using over-the-air...
Method for establishing a secure Ad Hoc wireless LAN