Method and system of changing a startup list of programs to...
Method and system of file manipulation during early boot...
Method and system of switching between two or more images of...
Method and system to determine the bootstrap processor from...
Method and system to encapsulate a driver written for an...
Method and system to provide first boot to a CPU system
Method and systems for advanced reprogrammable boot codes...
Method and/or apparatus for reliably booting a computer system
Method ans system for pro-active credential refreshing
Method for a computer using the system image on one of the...
Method for accelerating BIOS running
Method for allowing CD removal when booting embedded OS from...
Method for assigning physical data address range in...
Method for attachment of a bios device into a computer...
Method for attachment or integration of a BIOS device into a com
Method for automatically restoring system configuration with...
Method for booting a personal digital assistant
Method for booting computer multimedia system with high...
Method for booting up embedded system
Method for burning chips