Method and system for providing copy-protection on a storage...
Method and system for providing secure digital music...
Method and system for providing transfer of analytic...
Method and system for secure computational outsourcing and...
Method and system for securing a disk key
Method and system for securing enablement access to a data...
Method and system for securing local database file of local...
Method and system for securing network data
Method and system for selecting a password encrypted with a...
Method and system for sharing storage space on a computer
Method and system for soft modem protection
Method and system for the cipher key controlled exploitation...
Method and system for the processing of messages in a...
Method and system for transferring data
Method and system for updating firmware stored in...
Method and system for user protected media pool
Method and system for using tamperproof hardware to provide...
Method and system for vehicle subassembly authentication of...
Method and system of using an insecure crypto-accelerator
Method and system to maintain application data secure and...