Distributed transport communications manager with messaging...
Distributing timers across processors
Dual channel 100Base-T link for computer networks
Duplicated data communications network adaptor including a pair
Dynamic IP addressing and quality of service assurance
Dynamic network allocation for mobile router
Dynamic, real-time integration of software resources through...
Dynamic, real-time integration of software resources through...
Dynamically configurable switch for distributed test lab
Efficient data transmissions based on a policy
Electronic image processing system
Embedded channel adapter having transport layer configured...
Embedded file system for a programmable logic controller
Embedded transport acceleration architecture
Enabling a service provider to provide intranet services
Enabling a service provider to provide intranet services
Encapsulating Fibre Channel signals for transmission over...
Encoding a TCP offload engine within FCP
Enhanced network system through the combination of...
Exchange connectable to LAN