Systems and methods for determining remote device media...
Systems and methods for discerning and controlling...
Systems and methods for enhancing streaming media
Systems and methods for executing application programs from a me
Systems and methods for executing application programs from...
Systems and methods for exposing web services
Systems and methods for identifying long matches of data in...
Systems and methods for identifying long matches of data in...
Systems and methods for managing cookies via HTTP content layer
Systems and methods for managing directory harvest attacks...
Systems and methods for mapping user experiences in network...
Systems and methods for networked, in-context, high...
Systems and methods for providing resource allocation in a...
Systems and methods for real-time audio-visual communication...
Systems and methods for recording and visually recreating...
Systems and methods for recording and visually recreating...
Systems and methods of dynamically checking freshness of...
Systems for managing network resources
Systems, methods and protocols for securing data in transit...
Technique for enabling a plurality of software components to...