Synchronized MIMD multi-processing system and method of operatio
Synchronizing property changes to enable multiple control...
Synchronous multiprocessor using tasks directly proportional in
System and method for achieving object method transparency...
System and method for adding hardware registers to a power...
System and method for adding highly optimized...
System and method for aggregating registration of entities...
System and method for allocating requests for objects and...
System and method for assessing performance optimizations in...
System and method for assigning processes to specific...
System and method for asynchronously accessing a graphics...
System and method for avoiding deadlock in a non-preemptive...
System and method for batching data between link and...
System and method for batching data between transport and...
System and method for canceling a computer request
System and method for communications and process management in a
System and method for communications between a CORBA object...
System and method for communications in a distributed...
System and method for connecting source nodes and destination no
System and method for constructing an ole process control...